Unlocking 20% Cost Savings with Graviton Chips in AWS

Vatsal Bajpai
Vatsal Bajpai
2 min read·
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Unlocking 20% Cost Savings with Graviton Chips in AWS


In the realm of cloud computing, optimizing costs is a top priority for businesses. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a range of services to help achieve this goal, and one such innovation is Graviton. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of Graviton and explore how it can help you save costs on your AWS bills.

What is Graviton?

AWS Graviton is a family of processors designed to deliver the best price performance for your cloud workloads running in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Choose the AWS Graviton-based instance that best meets your needs.

Cost Savings with Graviton

Instance Pricing

Graviton-powered instances (e.g., T4g, C6g, and R6g) offer competitive pricing compared to traditional x86-based instances. You can enjoy up to 20% cost savings on compute costs alone.

Better Performance

Graviton's optimized architecture leads to improved performance, allowing you to right-size your instances and reduce the number of instances needed. This results in additional cost savings.

Energy Efficiency

Graviton's Arm-based design consumes less power, leading to reduced energy costs for AWS data centers. These savings are passed on to you, the customer.

Reserved Instance Discounts

AWS offers discounts on Graviton-powered instances when purchased as Reserved Instances, providing additional cost savings.

Some Example Instances

T4g: Best price performance for burstable general purpose workloads

M7g, M7gd: Best price performance for general purpose workloads with balanced compute, memory, and networking

C6g, C6gd, C6gn: Cost savings for compute and network-intensive workloads

Use Cases for Graviton

Web Servers

Graviton is ideal for web servers, as it provides excellent performance for web workloads while reducing costs.

Containerized Applications

Graviton's efficiency makes it a great fit for containerized applications, such as those using Kubernetes.

Development and Testing

Graviton instances are suitable for development and testing environments, where cost savings can add up quickly.

How Gravity Helps detect Potential Savings?

Gravity Cloud Platform keeps a real-time check on the instances and how much costs per instance and total workloads can be saved.

Quantifying the potential savings becomes a very imporant metric in calulating the ROI of the migration. Below you can see how Gravity Platform helps understand this in detail.

Gravity Stacks Console


Graviton offers a compelling solution for businesses seeking cost savings in the cloud. By leveraging Graviton-powered instances, you can enjoy significant reductions in compute costs, improved performance, and energy efficiency. Take advantage of Graviton's benefits and optimize your AWS costs today!

What's next?

Start exploring Graviton instances in your AWS environment and discover the cost savings for yourself. Visit the AWS website to learn more about Graviton and its applications.

I hope this blog post provides valuable insights into the cost-saving benefits of using Graviton in AWS. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

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