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Karpenter: Optimizing Kubernetes for Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

Vatsal Bajpai
Vatsal Bajpai
5 min read·
Cover Image for Karpenter: Optimizing Kubernetes for Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness


Karpenter is an open-source, flexible, and high-performance Kubernetes cluster autoscaler designed to optimize cost and efficiency for workloads. Unlike traditional autoscalers, Karpenter dynamically provisions just the right compute resources at the right time, enabling developers and DevOps teams to focus more on their applications and less on infrastructure management. This blog will delve into the benefits of Karpenter, how it works, and how you can get started using it.

Karpenter Official Website: https://karpenter.sh

Benefits of Using Karpenter

  1. Dynamic and Fast Scaling

    Karpenter responds quickly to changing workload demands by provisioning and de-provisioning nodes in seconds. This agility helps to handle sudden spikes in traffic or workloads more effectively than traditional autoscalers, which rely on static rules and tend to be slower.

  2. Cost Optimization

    Karpenter's flexible provisioning model allows it to select the most cost-efficient instances based on the workload requirements. It supports spot instances, on-demand instances, and reserved instances, automatically choosing the most economical option available.

  3. Better Resource Utilization

    Karpenter optimizes resource utilization by automatically selecting instances that match the specific CPU, memory, GPU, and networking requirements of your workloads. This helps to avoid the over-provisioning and under-utilization problems that are common in many Kubernetes environments.

  4. Customizable Scaling Policies

    Karpenter supports customizable scaling policies, allowing you to define rules based on workload requirements, scaling events, and specific node configurations. This flexibility ensures that applications receive the right amount of resources at the right time.

  5. Enhanced Cluster Efficiency

    By taking advantage of multiple Availability Zones and instance types, Karpenter distributes workloads in a way that minimizes latency and optimizes the use of AWS infrastructure. It automatically handles draining and terminating nodes with minimal impact on running applications.

How Karpenter Works

Karpenter works by monitoring the state of the Kubernetes cluster and making real-time decisions about scaling operations.

Example NodePool YAML:

apiVersion: karpenter.sh/v1beta1
kind: NodePool
  name: example-pool1 # Name of the NodePool
      labels: # Add custom labels here
        custom-label-key: custom-label-value
        - key: kubernetes.io/arch
          operator: In
          values: ["amd64"] # Architecture of the node
        - key: kubernetes.io/os
          operator: In
          values: ["linux"] # Operating System of the node 
        - key: karpenter.sh/capacity-type
          operator: In
          values: ["spot"] # Capacity Type of the node
        - key: karpenter.k8s.aws/instance-category
          operator: In
          values: ["t"] # Instance Category of the node
        apiVersion: karpenter.k8s.aws/v1beta1
        kind: EC2NodeClass
        name: default
    cpu: 1000 # Maximum number of CPUs
    memory: 1024 # Maximum amount of memory
    consolidationPolicy: WhenUnderutilized
    expireAfter: 720h
    custom-tag1: value1
    custom-tag2: value2

Here’s a breakdown of how Karpenter functions:

  1. Observing the Cluster

    Karpenter continuously monitors the Kubernetes API server to understand the state of the cluster. It gathers data about unscheduled pods, existing nodes, and current resource usage. When it detects that there are unschedulable pods or underutilized resources, it triggers the scaling process.

  2. Decision-Making Process

    When scaling is needed, Karpenter evaluates the best instance types and sizes that can accommodate the unschedulable pods based on factors like price, performance, capacity, and zonal availability. It uses AWS Instance Types to create a cost-effective mix of instance options.

  3. Provisioning Nodes

    Once Karpenter determines the best instance types, it dynamically provisions new nodes using the Provisioner CRD (Custom Resource Definition). The newly created nodes are ready to take on the unscheduled pods, thereby reducing wait times and enhancing application performance.

  4. Node Optimization and De-Provisioning

    Karpenter continuously monitors node utilization and optimizes the cluster by de-provisioning underutilized nodes. It drains nodes safely, ensuring that workloads are shifted smoothly without disrupting services. The scaling down process reduces costs and maintains efficient use of resources.

  5. Using Taints and Tolerations for Better Control

    Karpenter allows users to define taints and tolerations on nodes, giving more granular control over workload placement and ensuring that critical applications get the required resources without interference from less critical workloads.

Getting Started with Karpenter

Official Documentation: https://karpenter.sh/docs/getting-started/

Using Karpenter with Gravity Cloud

Gravity Cloud offers a fully managed Karpenter service that helps you get started with Karpenter in just a few clicks. Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Make sure you have connected your AWS account to Gravity Cloud: https://docs.gravitycloud.ai/quickstart-aws

  2. Goto https://console.gravitycloud.ai/kubernetes and click on Cluster Name in the table that you want to add Karpenter to

This step will add Karpenter labels to the VPC, Subnets and Security Groups for the cluster and creating all the required IAM Roles for Karpenter.

  1. Goto on Scaling tab in the drawer and click Enable Karpenter.

Install Karpenter

  1. Gravity will enable Karpenter for you in a few minutes and notify you once it's ready.

  2. Click on the Create a NodePool button and create a NodePool with your desired configuration.

This step will create and apply a NodePool YAML file with the selected configuration along with a NodeClass YAML file.

Create NodePool

  1. Update your deployment YAML file to use the new NodePool using the nodeSelector and tolerations fields.

  2. In a few minutes, you will see the nodepool and nodes getting created in your cluster.

View NodePool

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