Supercharge AWS ECS with Gravity Cloud Developer Platform

Vatsal Bajpai
Vatsal Bajpai
5 min read·
Cover Image for Supercharge AWS ECS with Gravity Cloud Developer Platform

What is AWS ECS?

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. ECS supports Docker containers and allows you to run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances or with AWS Fargate, a serverless compute engine.

What are current challenges in ECS?

Task Config Management

  • Managing configurations across multiple tasks and services is complex, requiring careful synchronization to avoid mismatches and deployment issues.

Continous Release & Deployments

  • Implementing seamless and automated continuous deployment pipelines in ECS is challenging due to lack of a direct service to run and connect with your Github Actions and manage previous deployments

Alerting and Monitoring

  • Ensuring comprehensive and real-time monitoring with actionable alerts can be difficult, as ECS involves many moving parts and integration with various monitoring tools.

Environment Management

  • Maintaining consistent and isolated environments for development, testing, and production within ECS can be challenging due to resource constraints and configuration drifts.

How Gravity Cloud solves the challenges?

ECS Services Dashboard: Your Command Center for Container Orchestration

Gravity Cloud revolutionizes ECS management with its powerful, intuitive dashboard. This centralized command center puts you in control of your containerized applications, offering:

  1. Comprehensive Service Overview:

    • At-a-glance visibility of all your ECS services
    • Real-time status indicators for each workload
    • Quick access to service details and configuration options
  2. Workload Insights:

    • Total count of running containers across your ECS clusters
    • Dynamic updates on service health and performance metrics
    • Easy identification of services requiring attention or scaling
  3. Streamlined CI/CD Integration:

    • One-click setup for continuous integration and deployment pipelines
    • Direct links to build histories and deployment logs
    • Instant visibility into the latest deployment status for each service
  4. Resource Optimization:

    • CPU and memory utilization trends at both cluster and service levels
    • Recommendations for right-sizing your containers and improving cost-efficiency
    • Alerts for over- or under-utilized resources
  5. Action-Oriented Interface:

    • Quick-action buttons for common tasks like scaling, updating, or rolling back services
    • Contextual menus providing relevant operations for each service
    • Customizable views to focus on the metrics that matter most to your team

With Gravity Cloud's ECS Services Dashboard, you'll experience a new level of control and efficiency in managing your containerized applications on AWS ECS.

ECS Services Overview

Dashboard Overview

ECS Service Creation

Gravity Cloud provides UI to enable task definations creation and management is safe, fast and simple in a few clicks:

  1. Connect Github Repo & Select branch
  2. Create or Select ECS cluster
  3. Select workload configuration such as Region, VPC, CPU, RAM or GPU
  4. Enable auto-scaling

Launch new ECS Service Part 1

  1. Provide service level details such as Name, Port, Healthcheck etc
  2. Configure ENV variables in Key-Value editor or copy the .env file into YAML editor. These ENV variables can be stored in KMS or Gravity Vault
  3. Launch your service on ECS!

Launch new ECS Service Part 2

Once launched, Gravity Cloud will automatically take care of Task Definations, LoadBalancers, Target groups, Security Groups without the team needing to manage them.

ECS Services Configuration

Gravity cloud provides a comprehensive view and configuration options to manage your existing or new ECS services and Tasks:

  • Scale up or down your ECS services
  • Modify and Update ENV Variable with automatic deployment triggers

ECS Services Configuration

1-click CI/CD Pipelines

  • Setup Github Actions in 1-click for any branch
  • Pipeline status, logs and build details

ECS Services CI/CD

ECS Services CI/CD

1-click Rollbacks out of the box

  • Check deployments status, history and perform Rollbacks
  • No-code rollback solution with zero build times, Gravity Cloud handles the state management

ECS Services Rollbacks

ECS Services Monitoring

  • Validate Events and Tasks for any errors

ECS Services Monitoring

ECS Services Domain Management

  • Attach Route53 domains or External(such as Cloudflare) domains in 1 click

ECS Services  Domain Management

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